STx is the Windows-version of the well approved S_TOOLS
Workstation for Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing which has been
developed originally under DOS using AT&T-DSP32 signal processor cards
many years ago. STx is now running on Standard PC-systems equipped with
standard sound cards. It performs nearly all functions of the former DSP
hardware configuration and is still under development. Today STx provides tools for:
- Digitization of sound (transfer analogue to digital 2-channel standard)
- Digitization of sound up to 64 channels by use of special ADC/DAC hardware
- Segmentation, storage, archiving and migration of large soundfiles
- Visualisation, labelling and annotation of sound data in the time domain
- Frequency and phase analysis (FFT, Wavelet)
- Visualisation labelling and annotation of time varying-signals by means of spectrograms (frequency domain)
- Wigner distribution and other time-frequency representations
- Cepstrum analysis (LOFAR analysis, SP-CP)
- LPC (Linear Prediction Coding) analysis
- Extraction of speech formant frequency candidates
- Speech Fundamental Frequency Analysis
- Adaptive filtering (including Real Time Digital Filter techniques)
- Denoising, signal enhancement
- Auditory perception modelling (Computational Hearing)
- Irrelevance Filtering (adaptive filtering and matching to the
masking of human hearing: Relevance Spectrograms)
- Modified Phase Vocoder implementation
- Tracking of perceptual relevant spectral components by means of
Overmasking (figure - background discrimination)
- Practical tools for time segmentation and annotation (such as used for
phonetic transcription)
- Sound object segmentation and sequencing
- Phonetics (speech formant analysis) and Music analysis tools
- Metadata generation for speech corpora, music and sound
- Automatic Railway Noise monitoring and classification
Copyright © 2010 by
the STx-software team.
Impressum: Werner Deutsch A-1090 Vienna, Liechtensteinstrasse 62/8.
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